Which of these do you prefer reading/writing?

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Short Sundays First Edition

I mentioned in my first post that I would likely be sharing some of my own writing with you guys, well today is the day. I have titled this post the way I did because Sundays are now for short stories. Sometimes there will be a series and other times there will be stand alone stories. The work I will be sharing today is currently untitled and I look forward to any critiques you may have. I hope you enjoy. Disclaimer: Story is told from first person perspectives.

  I, Belladonna Thorn have been under the employ of Oleander Springfield, Grand Duke of Abington since his late wife Duchess Wysteria was expectant of their first child. As Governess it is my duty to see to the well being of the children; a job that while I do it well and with pride has become difficult as of late. In the past two years since the Duchess passed things have been tense between the Duke and his beautiful daughters. That is why I hope that today when he visits her final resting place he may finally find some sort of inner peace. 
 As I sit in my favorite reading chair located in the grand library I come across a passage in a book referring to my title as "Babysitter". Babysitting! What a laughable name for that with which I am tasked with. As if one would dare to sit on a baby! Fortunately this is a task I find pleasure in on most occasions although it is indeed quite tiresome. I am after all caring for three young girls. Each named for the jewel toned flecks in their respective hazel eyes. 
 Amethyst, the eldest at the ripe old age of six is so full of curiosity about the world around her that I often have to investigate things just to answer her abundance of questions. The middle child is named Amber, and at the age of three is much too serious most often. For a child whom finds little amusing and only smiles for certain people; it brings great joy that she deems me worthy. Lastly, there is Aquamarine. Oh how her toddler ways bring such exhaustion and delight. 
 I am roused from my ponderings by the sound of tiny feet against the gleaming cherry wood floors. "Bell Bell!" Amber calls excitedly as she makes a run for my lap. " Yes, little one. I am happy to see you too." At this she smiles brightly her eyes alerting me to an upcoming question. However, before she has a chance to ask Amethyst comes wobbling into the room to tell me that Aqua is awake. I quickly make my way down the stained glass corridor that looks out over the marvelous orchards and connects the girls' bedchamber to the library from which I have come.

Well, what did you think as you read through what I have so far? Any suggestions on how I could improve the flow, etc? Do not be hesitant, instead be honest with your thoughts and opinions.  I greatly appreciate your feedback and am humbled by the amount of readers I have so far. I thank you for your support. 

Be Blessed. Stay Inspired, and Write Well

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Creative Writing A Lost Art?

   It may be sad news to the older generations but it would seem that it is an accepted part of the technological advance that letter writing has receded to the background in exchange for faster more innovative options -(sorry Nana). But what of writing in general? Well to my dismay not only is the beautiful cursive script I painstakingly learned and mastered my fourth grade year now a lost art also- tsk tsk; but based on my findings while tutoring creative writing is fastly approaching obscurity as well.

 This photo to the left courtesy of http://www.uniqueteachingresources.com is a prime example of the type of assignment I and several others recieved during elementary years. They are what helped my current love of creative writing flourish. Surely, I am not alone in remembering when there was such a thing as daily and weekly creative writing assignments. Their sole purpose was to ensure that when highschool and college rolled around our writing would be that of excellence. Unfortunately, this is no longer the case a fact those with young impressionable children in their lives are being forced to deal with. Thanks to commoncore -(insert frustrated sigh here) bygone is the era of schools using creative writing not only as a skill but as a stepping stone for the essays previously required to show understanding of a particular concept.  Where are all the kids that aspire to be authors? The answer is sadly that they are now adults like us now. I myself wished to be a NY Times Bestselling Author by age 20. I truly believed it possible that I could be the next Christopher Paolini whom many of you know as the brilliant mind behind  such lovable characters as Eragon and Saphira.
 Yes, believe it or not a love for reading and a love for writing often go hand in hand. A great book can often inspire a person to create an even greater book. Creative writing does not always mean a short story sometimes its a poem or a series of lyrics maybe even a comic. It is a matter of imaginitive perspective. Those of you with children in your life be they 5 or 15 I encourage you to talk with them about reading and writing. Try to gauge what their attitudes are on the subjects and try to find ways to improve those attitudes if possible. As for you, consider starting a journal or diary and allow yourself to be seen writing you may be surprised to see your little ones showing interest in writing in the future. Creative writing is not entirely a lost art and it can be saved but its up to us individually to do our part to encourage its survival.

Be Blessed, Stay Inspired, and Write Well

A brief intro

I go by the name of Ivy. My passions are all centered around various artforms. However, to me personally writing is one of the most important of those artforms. Now I don't mean writing for the sake of writing but writing with a purpose such as storytelling. As the years progress it is my goal to leave my readers aka you with insightful and meaningful posts. I may even publish some personal writings once in a while. 

        Be Blessed, Stay Inspired, and Write Well